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Its been a chaotic week trying to wrangle the new map tools into line while redesigning our progression from the ground up. Progress has been good on the content design front. I feel like we are understanding the elements of a survival game better than ever, allowing us to churn out lots of items and loot configuration in what feels like a much more balanced planned way, rather than throw a bunch of stuff in and see what needs balancing.

I spent half a day building a level testing character controller that will greatly speed up ours and modders level design process. It allows us to just click play anywhere on a map while working on it, and dropping in as a hurtworld character without having to build anything which takes testing if something feels right (mega important in map design) from a 20 minute job to 20 second job.

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Design Notes
A few important new takeaway notes from our design sessions this week: War thunder apache.

Stricter No-Builds
Building a base next to the thing you want is an easy way around wearing gear and caring about death. Resource hot spots (which will be more focused in this patch) should always be a decent distance from your base. We have small nobuilds around towns, but we are extending these to valleys with the richest resources. Contesting these valleys will have to be done on foot or in a vehicle where you risk losing stuff. Edges of biomes will also be build locked, to ensure if you are going to push into a biome, that you have the gear to handle it. Aint no half steppin.

More PVP Weapons, Bullets Expensive
PVP weaps will be cheaper and more common, this will give us room to introduce more weapon pimping as the weapon itself is only a small part of the cost. The bullets (and their production) will be the prime resource here. Wars will be expensive, guns will be plentiful.

New Entry Level Stash Box
Noobs have needs too, we are going to nerf workbench storage along with making them much more expensive, the shack will be useful and youll need storage.

Environmental Effects Will Kill Yo Ass
I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before, but we will be going hard on this one. If you don’t have the gear for a biome, you ded.

More granularity on Amber
Amber will be making a comeback soon, and will be dropped in larger quantities so we can have more fine granularity over its cost in recipes.

Patch Status
We should be on target for the experimental release this Friday. The map may be a little lackluster, but the benefit of this workflow is we can stop scrapping things we’ve done and build upon the foundations each release cycle (yay).


The Scope for the AWM was to be honest, a bit of a bitch to model. The section where the round sphere-ish part in the middle joins to the cylindrical dials and lens tube, was super difficult. There are 5 cylinders intersecting with the sphere part and there’s no easy geo formation to create that kind of polygonal match up without it distorting the spheroid’s perfect curve. I battled on and got it working today. I’ve thrown the base materials down onto the Scope and it’s looking nice. I’ll finish the texturing tomorrow and then I’m moving onto the magazine. This will give the AWM a basic set of items. Will be ready for Friday’s release. I hope to help Tom make some modifications to some weapons to aid the new progression we are bringing in as well.


The scope as a full render image out of 3D Coat…

Oh yeah! I almost forgot. The guys asked me to grey box a machete that I believe is going into the game also. This is to aid the early progression from what I was told last week.


Finally got something looking half decent with this new biome test. After learning some tips from Spencer I managed to recreate a shot of some real world lighting. Trying to recreate a scene is much easier than trying to recreate the entire biome in which that scene exists, being able to colour pick and match things up shot for shot is extremely helpful. The main focus in this test is overall lighting and feeling, if the lighting matches the reference picture and the in game scene gives the same feeling of warmth/cold/death as the reference, you can create the biome that reference photo was set in (with some minor tweaking of course). Trying to create the entire biome from scratch is the creation equivalent of running before you can walk, it was over whelming and produced far worse results. Due to performance reasons we can’t have entire biomes gathered in grass I had to create a flat ground texture that had a decent mix of grass and dirt colours but didn’t grab your eye too much and also looks decent from far away, I think the one I made worked out pretty well for test purposes. The next step is finalizing the over all look and then polishing the assets that make the biome, like trees, grass, rocks and what ever else we can think of to break up any blandness.


This week I’ve been working on the delayed update releasing Friday the 4th of August.
This update is less experimental than the others so far and more about trying to refine the core of Hurtworld to get a solid base to push forward from. We’ve split the workbench into several crafting machines that line up with the metal ore progression (ie. stone workbench, iron workbench, tritanium workbench etc.) which helps to define the progression into different tiers that line up with the biomes. We’re also going to start scaling PVE progression more aggressively so you’ll need to keep your items up to date to be able to survive and hunt enemies as you progress through the biomes.
We’re hoping to land somewhere close to legacy Hurtworld with these changes but with improved gating between tiers. We want to enforce having to wear appropriate gear for the environment so as well as increased PVE scaling we’ll also be increasing environmental hazard damage for the unprotected and adding in no build zones around the borders of each biome.
Now to setup a base in a biome you’ll have to push into the zone a bit, with increased environmental damage this should prevent bases being built on the edges of biomes players aren’t ready for yet allowing them to do short suicide farming runs.

With the PVE scaling changes you’ll need to keep your weapons up to date but we thought this left more pvp orientated weapons like the guns in an awkward position where they always serve their main purpose well so it wouldn’t be worth investing in a new tier for higher cost.
We also think the guns are balanced in PVE by their ammo costs, well they might be effective in killing generally the loot received isn’t worth the investment in ammo and you’re better off using a bow or spear.
With this in mind we’ve introduced a new damage type for PVP orientated weapons, scaled PVE damage.
Creatures now have a normalized maximum health value as well their standard health, when creatures take standard PVE damage this number is subtracted from their health but when scaled PVE damage is applied the damage dealt is equal to:
(damage/100) * MaxHP * (1/NormalizedMaxHealth).
This makes the damage scale so creatures with the same NormalizedMaxHealth value will take the same relative damage (as a percentage of max health) regardless of level.
Now PVP focused weapons can be used in PVE combat at all stages of progression but their power will be controlled through ammo costs rather than damage applied.

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I’ve also been busy fixing up some other small issues for this update such as:

  • Swapped drop rates for stone and iron ore from the automatic red drill
  • ServerConfig.ChatDeathMessagesEnabled works correctly again (‘chatdeathmessagesenabled <0/1>’ in console)
  • Fixed a bug where the alpha channel of item custom colors wasn’t being serialized properly (was previously always 100%)
  • Fixed a bug where damage cracks were not appearing on the new wood log resource nodes
  • Fixed a bug where custom colors would not show on crafting item previews
  • Increased bow refire and drawback time to be closer to legacy


Hey folks. I’ve been continuing work on map tools, trying to get everything working together nicely. We had a bit of a go making this new map, and hit a few restrictions of the system that need looking at. The main one was memory – I’d been a bit greedy in how we stored some pieces of information, namely ground texture data and grass density data. This meant that saving/loading levels and stamps containing this data slowed to a crawl as we started dealing with big stamps and big levels. I moved both of these pieces of data to a compressed format, which worked well. We might need to compress more in future, and there are a few options out there for doing that. Arrays where you read/write from arbitrary positions often are a bit limited in how you can compress them, as compression of a given element can’t depend on the values of previous elements. Ground textures are probably not going to be able to be compressed more very easily, but we can probably get away with compressing grass maps more if needed. This effort successfully reduced the map size by about 50-60%.

Roads took a quick pass to be able to blend with themselves more. They currently write to a layer in the terrain layering system I’ve been building, which means they can use the “stencil” concept that stamps use. And really, thinking about it, the road integration with the terrain is pretty much just like a stamp by any other name. However, because the road layer is additive, we can use the stencil for other purposes than blending with base layers. Below you can see the stencil from a road that intersects itself slightly, and how we can resolve that with the stencil buffer. We write the distance to the spline in the buffer, along with the a unique identifier of the connection that gives it it’s color. When it comes time for a road to change a heightmap point, it can now check firstly if a road has changed that point before, and secondly how far away that point was from that first changer’s spline. So we can do a simple test of “am I closer that this other road piece was?”. If the answer is yes, the road piece takes priority over that point. This solves a nasty artifact of roads being close together pretty nicely.

There were a few small issues with ground texture blending and grass maps that have held us up for the past few days, but those are looking like they’re solved now. They were both using a bit of math that needed to be updated for the newly compressed data. I’m pushing forward with actually creating a big, complicated test case that pushes the system to it’s limits. Generally the biggest issue now is going to be performance I think, and currently I have to organise my test case map carefully top avoid rebaking everything taking too long. However I’m hopeful that compute shaders should offer some relief on that. Compute shaders are freakin’ awesome by the way, to all Unity devs out there. I’ve begun looking into doing all the hard yards in them, and while they’re a bit difficult to debug sometimes they are staggeringly fast on parallel operations. Goes on the long list of things I wish I’d known about a year ago! Check out a little editor screenshot below. The purple line is a road, and each little white square is a stamp.

About This Content This download grants the Mechromancer, a 5th playable character class who can summon a destructive robot named Deathtrap. In addition to this new class, this pack also includes bonus items which were included in the Borderlands 2 Premiere Club Pack, including the Gearbox Gold Gun Pack, a Golden Key, which unlocks rare items in the mysterious Sanctuary Loot Chest, and the. The Mechromancer Domination Pack is part of the New Skin Packs in Borderlands 2, releasing on January 22nd, 2013. Includes the following heads and skins for Gaige the Mechromancer: Head. Other Classes and Themes. For skins for other classes and different themes, see: Soldier Madness Pack. Borderlands 2: mechromancer domination pack download. Title: Borderlands 2: Mechromancer Domination Pack Genre: Action, RPG. Developer: Gearbox Software, Aspyr (Mac), Aspyr (Linux) Publisher: 2K, Aspyr (Mac), Aspyr (Linux) Franchise: Borderlands. Release Date: Jan 22, 2013. Visit the website borderlands on Twitch Borderlands 3 on Twitter View update history Read related news Find Community Groups. Enhance your Vault-hunting experience with a fresh new style! This pack contains the Furry Ferocity head and Warm and Fuzzy skin for the Mechromancer - look for them in the character customization menu! This pack requires the Mechromancer pack, sold separately.

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Hurtworld is a hardcore multiplayer survival FPS with a focus on deep survival progression that doesn't become trivial once you establish some basic needs. Built for hardcore gamers, Hurtworld aims to punish.
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Hurtworld Cracked Servers

RankServerPlayersStatus Map
1 17 / 110 nullius
2 4 / 120 nullius
3 31 / 100 JUST WIPED!!
4 0 / 120 &lt;color=red&gt;WIPE 07.12&lt;/color&gt;
5 3 / 120 &lt;color=red&gt;WIPE 12.12&lt;/color&gt;
6 0 / 120 &lt;color=red&gt;WIPE 11.12&lt;/color&gt;
7 0 / 30 nullius
8 0 / 25 nullius
9 0 / 100 nullius
10 0 / 60 diemensland
11 1 / 60 diemensland
12 6 / 120 &lt;color=#bf3&gt;WIPED 11.12&lt;/color&gt;
13 1 / 120 &lt;color=#d66&gt;WIPE in 6h&lt;/color&gt;
14 0 / 60 &lt;color=aqua&gt;WIPE 09.12&lt;/color&gt;
15 3 / 100 Wipe in: 3d 14h
16 5 / 120 &lt;color=#bf3&gt;WIPED 09.12&lt;/color&gt;
17 0 / 50 nullius
18 3 / 100 Wipe in: -10d -7h
19 2 / 60 Wiped Dec 05
20 3 / 60 bestworld
21 1 / 60 diemensland
22 0 / 100 nullius
23 0 / 42 nullius
24 0 / 16 x3/Mods/Tp/Roll
25 3 / 25 WIPE 12.12 10:35